The Stack is a weekly podcast where we share and discuss the latest trends, news, and content from the world of marketing, sales, and tech. In each episode, Sean, Tim, and Ryan sit down to chat about the hard-hitting questions related to sales, marketing, and tech. You can subscribe on iTunes and Soundcloud.

In this episode, we share a ton of information on the types of content that boots social engagement and when to use it.

We would love to hear your thoughts so make sure to comment or tweet us at @Sylvestrer1, @SeanHenri, and @Tendrecroppes or @PepperlandMKTG.

How Consumers Want To Engage with Brands on Social Media : A Framework

Nicole Montgomery, HubSpot with contributions from

Renee Spillane, Campbell Chupik from University of Virginia

“One of the biggest challenges we face is creating the right content for the right channels. We’ve found that audience expectations vary from medium to medium, meaning that you need to tailor each piece of content to the specific needs of that channel. What drives engagement on Facebook won’t evoke the same response on Twitter. Understanding those differences, and having a framework in place to address them, is crucial to achieving a high ROI on your social efforts.”

The motivations that drive engagment on social platforms can be broken down into five chategories:

  • Bridging
  • Bonding
  • Communication
  • Discovering
  • Taking Action

Hubspot Research

The study then took these motivations and aligned them with HubSpot’s framework for classifying content types which includes:

Hubspot Research 3

“Integrating the survey results with the actual performance of campaigns in market, we are able to assess the relative effectiveness of content categories for each channel and suggest the optimal content for driving intended behaviors. Consistent results across the HubSpot survey and the HubSpot campaign data, as well as survey results for the content from various other organizations and product categories, allow us to broadly identify patterns of content category effectiveness for companies across channels (see figure 7).”

After we took a look at the way Hubspot sorted types of content with social platforms, we made a chart of out own. We made a few adjustments and also offered up a few examples and added in LinkedIn when appropriate. Our interpritation is as follows:


We dive into more detail about each of these categories on our episode so make sure to check it out on iTunes.

Rich Results Expands for Question & Answer Pages

Webmaster Central Blog

Google rolled out this update to help searchers find answers to their questions quickly. This can be done by following the “Q&A Page” markup guidance from Google. The guidelines for using this markup are as follows.

Google Q&A

Google offers some guidence if you are planning on implementing this on your site.

  • Only use the QAPage markup if your page has information in a question and answer format, which is one question followed by zero or more answers.
  • Don’t use QAPage markup for FAQ pages or pages where there are multiple questions per page. QAPage markup is for pages where the focus of the page is a single question and its answers.
  • Don’t use QAPage markup for advertising purposes.
  • Make sure each Question includes the entire text of the question and make sure each Answer includes the entire text of the answer.
  • Answer markup is for answers to the question, not for comments on the question or comments on other answers. Do not markup non-answer comments as an Answer.

Lighting Round

In this section, we quickly run through some other updates that we didn’t have enough time to deep-dive on, but we still felt were noteworthy.

  1. Measuring the Filter Bubble: How Google Is Influencing What You Click
  2. Google Search Liaison Twitter Response
  3. Google: It’s Worthwhile To Have Unique Images on Each Page
  4. We’ve Changed our Stance on Ads. Here’s why. – HubSpot
  5. 9 Google Ads Mistakes That Are Hurting Your Business
  6. WordPress 5 Release Date Announced

Listen or watch for new episodes each Friday, or check out the archives to watch past episodes on-demand. Like what you hear? Leave us a review or let us know in the comments!

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