The Stack is a weekly podcast where we share and discuss the latest trends, news, and content from the world of marketing, sales, and tech. In each episode, Sean, Tim, and Ryan sit down to chat about the hard-hitting questions related to sales, marketing, and tech. You can subscribe on iTunes and Soundcloud.

In this episode, we share our key takeaways and exciting product announcements from the Inbound 2018 conference and other important updates from Google.

We would love to hear your thoughts so make sure to comment or tweet us at @Sylvestrer1, @SeanHenri and @Tendrecroppes or @PepperlandMKTG.

Google: Sites Using A Lot of JavaScript May Not Be Moved to Mobile-First Indexing

Google’s John Mueller cautions site owners that using a lot of JavaScript may prevent a site from being moved to mobile-first indexing. This puts pressure on website owners that have portions of their website that can’t be used on a mobile device. With more and more searches happening on our phones we need to be focusing more on mobile SEO and optimization.

Tim: “When people think about web marketing they think about keywords and blah, blah, blah, they tend to ignore the more technical stuff like how your website is built.”

Sean: “Search engines excluding Google, won’t render Javascript so people searching on other search engines (like bing or yahoo) might not see high-value pages on your website.”

Over 25% of Facebook Users Have Deleted the App from their Phone

A survey conducted by Pew Research Center found that Facebook users ages 18 and older have taken the following actions within the past year. For example, 44% of users ages 18 to 29 have deleted the Facebook app, compared to just 12% of users ages 65 and older.

Sean: “I think they needed to slice this by daily active users to get a more accurate number.”

Ryan: “Still pretty shocking”

Tim: “Yes indeed”

(Tim’s A-Rod Snapchats as mentioned in the podcast)


How to Create Category Pages That Rank + Convert 10x Higher

Don’t buy into the rumors about Google not ranking category pages. They absolutely do. The issue is that category pages are most susceptible to “thin” content, duplicate content, and pages that don’t fulfill the user’s intent. This article outlines a lot of cool tips to get a better performing category page.

Tim: “I wish I did this…”

Sean: “Give the user some extra context before diving into all of your curated content within your category.”

Repurposing Content

While at the Inbound 2018 conference in Boston, Ryan attended a cool session all about repurposing content. Probably because he aligned with the presenters’ overall message, “It’s okay to be lazy”.

She talked a lot about how repurposing content is a highly underrated concept in the world of marketing. We should all be more conscious about what we are posting and the things we can do to make our individual pieces of content the very best they can be. We should be paying more attention to the content we match up against in a SERP and doing everything we can to be the go-to source rather than pushing endless content that we half-ass.

Sean: “It’s much easier to go through the process in this way because the blog post is done and that’s the bulk of the research.”

Ryan: “Taking a piece of content and really stretching it as far as it can go before you start to beat a dead horse, is super important if you want to get the most value out of a single piece of content.”

Tim: “Weezer you should not have done a cover of Africa.”

Here’s what you should take away…

Try turning off javascript in Google Chrome and start poking around your website to see what functions are missing. It’s pretty eye-opening and when we tested in on a website, we couldn’t even get past the homepage because the website relied on javascript waaaayy too much. Facebook is still seeing a decrease in their users and seems to be a big slippery slope. Will they rebound? Ehh, probably.

If you have category pages on your website, give your users a little intro, ease them into your content. Maybe provide a section to highlight high-traffic articles. Have a resources section related to your content that could guide them down the buyer’s journey.

Repurposing content is super valuable and we should be doing it even more than we are now. If you see your content getting some traction, take a section of your article and turn it into a video. Turn that video into an audio file and promote it on social media or talk about it on a podcast.
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