The Stack is a weekly Facebook Live show focusing on the latest tools, trends and technology in the world of sales and marketing.

In this week’s episode, Sean and Tim talk about how dashboards can help you better analyze your social media efforts so that you know whether or not you are hitting your goals, and give you 5 examples that will help make your social media efforts that much simpler.

In the News

This week, Sean spotted an article by Wistia that explains how individuals can remove the  black bars from the top and bottom of their videos, which makes them more appealing to viewers, and Tim saw an article from the New York Times about Microsoft slashing 4,000 sales and marketing jobs over the next few years.

Featured Segment: 5 Must-have Social Media Dashboards

Social media is an essential component of any marketing campaign in today’s world. But how is a content marketer to know whether or not their social media efforts are having an impact on the things that matter. Though shares are important, your efforts need to be translating into more leads and more business for your company. These 5 dashboards will help you better understand and analyze the metrics that are important to your social media efforts.

We create our dashboards by using databox, which we recommend everyone check out. If you’re interested, you can try a free account which will give you access to three users, three dashboards, and three datasets; if you like it as much as we do, you can sign up for greater access. In addition to being able to create your own dashboards, you can get started with any one of dozens of templates which pull from nearly 50 different data sources.

  1. Social Networks Overview Dashboard
  2. Facebook Pages Dashboard
  3. Linkedin Company Pages Dashboard
  4. Twitter Dashboard
  5. YouTube Overview

Your Questions

Question: In HubSpot, how do I make certain fields required when my team creates new deals, contacts, or company records?

Answer: This is a great question. The ability to adjust which fields are required to create contacts, companies, and deals was just added to HubSpot a little while ago, so a lot of users don’t realize that they can do this. The best part is, it’s easy!

Working on the Sales side of the software, just click on the “Settings.” Then, within the tab you can either click on “Set the properties your team sees when creating contacts.” (for contacts) or “Set the properties your team sees when creating companies.” (for companies).

Once you’re in there, you can add or remove fields as you wish. To make a certain field required, just check the box next to it, and voila, you’re done!
Making certain fields required is an easy way to make sure that your CRM stays clean. It will keep your team from entering contacts that just shouldn’t be entered (because of lack of information) and gets them in the habit of really tracking the important info.

Tune in next Friday at 1pm for the next episode of The Stack, or check out the archives for more episodes.

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