The Stack is a weekly podcast where we share and discuss the latest trends, news, and content from the world of marketing, sales, and tech. In each episode, Sean, Tim, and Ryan sit down to chat about the hard-hitting questions related to sales, marketing, and tech. You can subscribe on iTunes, Soundcloud, Spotify, and Google Play Music.

In this episode, we talk about updated from Google Marketing Live, Facebook’s off-screen activity, and how to fix your plateauing SEO efforts. We would love to hear your thoughts so make sure to comment or tweet us at @Sylvestrer1, @SeanHenri, and @Tendrecroppes or @PepperlandMKTG.

Google Marketing Live: Building for the new consumer journey

Prabhakar Raghavan for Google Ads Blog

At the Google Marketing Live event, there was some news surrounding the Advertising side of Google. Google discussed its plans to unveil Discovery Ads to Google Ads users later in the year. This will allow advertisers to connect with people when they are in the mood to discover. They also talked about Google Shopping. Users will have their own personalized homepage and can shop and compare pricing right in the app. The third announcement was about getting users from your website seamlessly to your mobile app. This will allow your customers to have a better user experience when trying to interact with your website and brand.

Key Takeaways:

  • Discovery Ads will be rolling out to advertisers later in 2019 in an attempt to reach more people across multiple markets. They claim these ads will be connecting with users in the “moments when they’re open to discovering your products and services.”
  • Shopping will become easier and tailored to your style, likes, and interests with Google Shopping. eCommerce websites can take advantage of this feature and build some brand loyalty.

Other News From Google

What Businesses Should Know About the Upcoming Tool for Managing Off-Facebook Activity

Facebook Business Blog

Facebook will be rolling out a new feature in another attempt to rebuild users trust. This new feature is going to help give people “more transparency and control over the data other apps and websites” share with them. This is going to have an impact on marketers because Facebook will be giving users data about things like Facebook pixels, SDK, and API. They offer up four main points businesses and marketers should know about these new features.

Key Takeaways:

  • Apart of this tool is going to be helping Facebook users understand how outside companies are using their information.
  • They say that these new features may impact ad targeting. “When someone disconnects their off-Facebook activity, we won’t use the data they clear for targeting.” This means that your options will be limited when trying to use information for targeting.
  • All reporting tools will remain the same and will continue to exclude all personal information.

12 reasons your SEO traffic is plateauing and how to fix it

Kevin Indig

It’s a painful moment when you see your organic traffic start to plateau after months or years of growth. But it does happen to the best of us. It’s how you react to plateauing growth that will determine the success of your efforts.

Kevin Indig recently pulled together a list of what he is calling his “12 core issues that cause traffic plateaus” and offers tips to resolve them (and prevent them from happening in the future). The list is full of great points that we agree with, so we wanted to share those with you here:

  1. Not enough input
  2. Content grows faster than link velocity
  3. Site growth exceeds crawl budget
  4. Site is too slow
  5. Under-developed brand
  6. Too much outdated content
  7. Penalties
  8. Too many aggressive ads
  9. Low degree of mobile friendliness
  10. Too many technical issues
  11. Changed user intent
  12. Competition from Google

Key Takeaways:

  • Most of these issues point to one of two things: Either a poor user experience for a human user, or a poor user experience for the search engine user (google). Focusing on building a website that offers a great user experience to both the search engine and human user are some of the single most important steps you can take to improve your site’s performance and help you get over any organic traffic plateau you’re running into

App Of The Week

SEM Rush Position Tracking (Mobile App)

If you’re like us, you’re always thinking about how you (or your clients) stack up against the competition in terms of rankings — at all hours of the day, not just when you’re at your computer. The SEMRush Position Tracking Mobile App makes it easier to keep an eye on your position even when you’re on the go.

The Lightning Round: What We’re Reading This Week

In this section, we quickly run through some other updates that we didn’t have enough time to deep-dive on, but we still felt were noteworthy.

  1. Instagram’s IGTV copies TikTok’s AI, Snapchat’s design
  2. How Often Does Google Update Its Algorithm
  3. The 14 Critical Podcast Statistics of 2019
  4. 50% of Small Businesses Do Not Have a Marketing Plan for 2019

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