The Stack is a weekly Facebook Live show focusing on the latest tools, trends and technology in the world of sales and marketing.

In this week’s episode Sean and Tim shared several example of ways you can incorporate video into your marketing strategy to make your brand feel more human and approachable.

Watch the Recording:

The Stack Ep. #5: How Video Can Make Your Marketing Feel More …

Join us at 1pm for another live episode of The Stack! This week we’ll share several example of ways you can incorporate video into your marketing strategy to make your brand feel more human and approachable. Don’t forget to tune in!

Posted by Pepperland Marketing on Thursday, June 15, 2017

The Tool of the Week: Soapbox by Wistia

This week our friends at Wistia announced a new Chrome extension called Soapbox, which enables anyone to record, edit, and share a high-quality video in just a few minutes, with just a few clicks.

The tool allows you to capture both your webcam video and screen in the same shot, edit on the fly, and then click and share or insert into Gmail.  We love it and think you will too.

Your Questions:

Question: HELP on #Hubspot: How do you track behavior of known contacts on ungated landing pages and file views? Anyone?

Answer: They would need to be cookied from a previous form submission or email click through. Many people go long periods of time without clearing. To catch the rest, you should check out the Prospects report in the CRM and look for activity from their company. This is anonymous activity, meaning you can’t identify the specific person who is browsing your website, but you could reasonably conclude any activity is from your known contact in some cases.

Question: I think there is a way to indicate contacts who you don’t want to count as page views, get notified when on site, in metrics, etc. For example, someone in our own company. Where can I find that setting?

Answer: You’re right that there’s a way to do this — and luckily it’s pretty easy to do.

  • In the Marketing side of the software, just go up to the “Reports” tab and click on “Reports Settings.”
  • Then, scroll down to the “Exclude traffic from these IP addresses” section.
  • Enter in all IP addresses from which you want to exclude traffic. This should include the IP address for your company, the IP addresses of any vendors who might be visiting your site, etc.
    • If you don’t know your IP address, you can ask your IT team or go to
    • In the case of vendors, etc., you would most likely need to just ask them for their address. If you want to be a bit stealthy about it, you could also potentially find this by looking at form submission details.
  • Click “Save” to save the IP address

HubSpot will then filter out traffic from that IP address moving forward. Unfortunately, I don’t believe there’s a way to have HubSpot retroactively filter out IP addresses.

Mentioned in the Show:

With Father’s Day weekend approaching, we broadcast a day early this week, but we’ll be back to our regular time next Friday at 1pm ET. Don’t forget to tune in!

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