The Stack is a weekly podcast where we share and discuss the latest trends, news, and content from the world of marketing, sales, and tech. In each episode, Sean, Tim, and Ryan sit down to chat about the hard-hitting questions related to sales, marketing, and tech. You can subscribe on iTunes, Soundcloud, Spotify, and Google Play Music.

In this episode, we talk about some tips about internal link building, landing page optimization, and breakdown a successful Instagram campaign. We would love to hear your thoughts so make sure to comment or tweet us at @Sylvestrer1, @SeanHenri, and @Tendrecroppes or @PepperlandMKTG.


Everything You Need to Know About Internal Link Building

Andrew Dennis for Search Engine Journal

We all know that “link building” gets tossed around in the marketing world a lot. You may even see headlines like “100 Tips from Marketers to help you improve your link building”. This is usually speaking to the process of acquiring external links back to your website. What’s talked about even less is internal linking. This article from Search Engine Journal provides helpful tips to increase the effectiveness of your internal linking.

“This can influence which keywords and phrases they will associate with your pages – when there are multiple pages that cover a similar topic, search engines will use internal links to decide which page is most important and should show in their search results.”

Some of the things they suggest are:

  • Directing Link Equity
  • Using Internal Links to identify most important pages
  • Providing better navigation through your site
  • Optimizing Anchor Text

Landing Page Optimization [Case Study]

Hotjar Blog

For those who may not know Hotjar, they are a software company that allows you to take recordings of users that come to their site so you can troubleshoot possible barriers, user experience issues, or how they navigate your website. They performed a case study on how to improve your conversion rate on your landing pages. They provide a “CRO Action Plan” which you can see below.

“Focusing your efforts on optimizing your landing pages, as opposed to your entire site, can help you quickly improve conversions and increase revenue.”

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding why your users are going to the page seems like an easy task but can be difficult to understand depending on what side of the screen you’re on. A quick way to understand exactly what your customer wants without guessing is putting a survey on the landing page.
  • Look at session recordings to see what kinds of things are holding people back from hitting the submit button. Are they stopping on the page in a particular area? Are they skipping one of your form boxes?
  • Find out what made others convert on your form and lean into that more. If it’s likely to get one person to convert, it will probably get someone else to do the same.

Behind a Record-Breaking Instagram Marketing Campaign

Ash Read for Buffer

A Canadian clothing brand, Tentree topped the Instagram record charts for the most liked post. They created a campaign with the goal of spreading their mission to plant more trees. Buffer breaks down the different elements that made this campaign so successful. We outline a few tactics below, but make sure to check out their article for a deep dive in their plan and execution.

Key Takeaways:

  • Tentree utilized influencer marketing to help get their idea off the ground. While influencer marketing can be pricey, it is also very effective when you pick people who are connected with or represent your brand.
  • Before the launch “tentree’s PR agency put together a plantable press release with a gifted product in a fully biodegradable, compostable package and sent it to reporters to build awareness of the campaign.”
  • As soon as the launch was official, every available team member went to their phones or laptops to make sure they responded to every comment or request that came through.

App Of The Week


Change tower is a tool that you can use to stay updated on changes being made to any website. This can be helpful when you are competing with someone for the top spot of a specific search query and they are making updates to their top ranking blog post. There are a bunch of different things they monitor and will keep you up to date on everything happening on your competitor’s websites.

The Lightning Round: What We’re Reading This Week

In this section, we quickly run through some other updates that we didn’t have enough time to deep-dive on, but we still felt were noteworthy.

  1. FAQ Page Schema Generator
  2. Google adds Markup Search to Search Console
  3. The new way to pay in China. No card, no phone, just look at the camera 
  4. Understanding Microsleep — When Our Minds Are Both Asleep and Awake
  5. U.S. May Outlaw Messaging Encryption Used By WhatsApp, iMessage And Others, Report
  6. A note on unsupported rules in robots.txt
  7. HubSpot June Updates 

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