The Stack is a weekly podcast where we share and discuss the latest trends, news, and content from the world of marketing, sales, and tech. In each episode, Sean, Tim, and Ryan sit down to chat about the hard-hitting questions related to sales, marketing, and tech. You can subscribe on iTunes and Soundcloud.

In this episode, we talk about the importance of linking and how Google can now supposedly speak multiple languages.

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Youtube Charity Contribution

Youtube rolled out new features that will now allow influencers/creators the create videos that users can directly donate to. Let’s say that someone creates a video about the issues surrounding Veterans and their need for service animals. They can place an in-line donation CTA that viewers can donate to directly from that page.

Tim: “Facebook does something similar for people who want to do some fundraising for their birthday. I just did one for my birthday and they gave me some statistics about the effort overall; Facebook users have raised over 300 million dollars.”

Ryan: “If people are donating that much through Facebook, I can’t imagine what Youtube will pull in.”

Google Rolls Out New Ad Strength Indicator

This tool is displayed right alongside the ad as you are creating it. As you type it analyzes and rates your ad. It judges any new advertising off of what Google has learned from your past performance and makes suggestions on how to improve any future ads. This helps you make your ad right the first time.

Tim: “Up until now you were stuck with just making assumptions and waiting until you get your ad performance back.”

Ryan: “It takes a lot of the guessing out of the process.”

Google Assistant Can Speak Your Language

Google assistance now supports multilingual responses because of the increase in households that speak more than one language. This really opens up the door for any non-English speaking individuals that wanted to have a Google Home. It also gives me a chance to practice the four years of Italian I took in college. If you want to get technical about how this is possible check out this article directly from Google.

Tim: “Back in the day, I used Google Translate to get pretty good grades in Spanish. If you think about it, we have been giving Google tons of data over the years.”

Ryan: “Okay Google, suonare una canzone”

Presidential Suspicion


This is by no means a political podcast and we do not take a stance on any political issues, but… we feel we need to address a few things that President Trump has been saying over the past few weeks. Google does a pretty good job of keeping their algorithm secret and it might have something to do with the way President Trump feels. President Trump had said that Google suppresses conservative views.

Tim: “Timeliness matters.” “It’s not that Google is trying to suppress you, this is what the users are sharing and linking to.”

Ryan: “Most people don’t know about Google algorithms and probably don’t need to, they just see what’s important in the eyes of Google.”

Mueller’s Twitter Response


“Google’s John Mueller said on Twitter that the source of the link alone doesn’t make the link a bad link. It also depends on other factors.” The most interesting part of this tweet is “…are you playing those links there yourself?” What is he trying to say? Could it be possible that Google has a way of seeing if you are putting your own links in articles? So many questions, not a ton of answers…

Tim: “In addition to the source, there has to be other factors that are in play here beyond placement, authority, and author.”

Here’s what you should take away

Youtube is now participating in charitable donation game and will most likely outperform Facebook’s initiative which, might not be so bad, right? People are helping others and at the end of the day, that should be the goal. Hey Google, suonare una canzone. Ehh, maybe not. Google said that their assistant can now handle other languages. I tried and got an error message. Give it a shot and let us know if it works for you!

President Trump may not be up-to-date on how Google operates, and that’s okay. I’m sure he has bigger fish to fry. We should all be worried about getting those high-quality links. It may not matter where they are coming from but there are other factors in play, the questions is, what are they?
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