Think about the last time you visited a website in search of the perfect birthday present for your loved one. Your mind goes crazy thinking about whether the person will be satisfied with the product in the color red or maybe an off-white? Does the package come with a “How-To” guide? Can you return it if you accidentally buy the same present as your Aunt Ann?

A live chat with an employee would be helpful, huh? Like 44% of other online buyers, you believe that having a live person answer your questions during an online purchase can be one of the most important features that a website can offer (HappyFoxChat).

What better way to create a personalized, interactive buyer’s experience then with a live chat on your website? Knowing that there is an actual human behind a screen answering questions throughout the buying experience is very reassuring. No wonder 62% of customers are more inclined to purchase products online if live customer support is available (HappyFoxChat).

In this post, we will outline what exactly live chat is, its benefits and some tips for how you can incorporate it into your own inbound marketing strategy and website to maximize your potential.

What is live chat and how does it work?

Though creating a personal touch to engage buyers in their experience may seem like a difficult task through the screen, live chat offers that real time conversation people are looking for online. Live chat surpasses calling support as it eliminates the wait time and that annoying ringtone.

Live Chat

Live chat is a customer service software that integrates with your website to initiate real time conversation at your buyer’s convenience. This immediate access support is a powerful marketing tool that quickly connects the buyer to your company and initiates a relationship.

Live chat works by appearing as a small chat window on the screen. Though small, the chat window should be noticeable and designed to look like a part of the website. The live chat usually begins with an invitation for the buyer to join in on the conversation.

What are the benefits of live chat?

1. Convenience, convenience, convenience.

This is a huge benefit and is why it is important to reiterate it from above. Consumers want help while they shop away from a physical store and live chat offers the buyer the opportunity to have all questions answered as they are in the middle of an online purchase. This immediate access to help allows the buyer to multi-task and receive the one on one attention.

2. Affordability.

The live chat software can save your employees task time and phone expenses. Not only can contact centers lower their interaction costs, your representatives can increase their efficiency by being able to handle multiple chats simultaneously. Depending on the size of our business, you may only need to hire a few agents which can reduce your overall costs.

3. Ability to increases sales.

The increased interaction with buyers during their buying process can increase your sales. A quick conversation on live chat can immediately explain any confusions with a product or service and answer any questions which can make or break a sale. Live chats can ensure that buyers are making it to check out by connecting the buyer with someone who understands their needs and can offer recommendations and reassure any doubts.

4. Gain an understanding of what parts of your website need to be improved.

Based on the types of questions and frustrations your customers are experiencing, your company can pinpoint which types of products or services are the most confusing for customers and which ones easily catch their attention. This type of information is very helpful and can assist you in writing better content, adjusting your product descriptions and turn pain points into opportunities.

5. Have the most satisfied customers.

Today, customers expect nothing but the best. With the amount of similar products and services available, standing out amongst the crowd may be difficult. In an infographic compiled by WeProcess4U, research shows that customers derive the highest satisfaction from live chat. As shown on the infographic, 73% of online buyers prefer to use live chat in comparison to the 44% who prefer phone.

What are some tips to get started?

  • Train your team to be extremely knowledgeable about your product or service and your company website.
  • Use photo avatars that can be associated with the chat representatives to remind buyers that there is a real person behind the screen.
  • Avoid robotic greetings or responses by making sure that each conversation that you have with a buyer is warm and friendly.
  • Use analytics to monitor your live chat activity and capture insights.
  • Determine when your shoppers are online to ensure that a representative is available at any time.
  • Offer customizable chat features such as font size and the ability to request a chat transcript.

Live chat is a no brainer for any company– it is quick, efficient and an extremely powerful tool. Use the tips above to create your own live chat and see just how beneficial it can be for your company’s website.

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